Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Happy 2017!

Happy 2017! Hope yours is off to a great start.

I take stock of recent omens rather than make New Year's resolutions.

Like last year, one of my orchids is in bloom.
Oncidium, Sharry Baby. 

Her fragrance is sweet.
Always interpret any blossom, 

except a rash, as positive.

Resolutions invariably involve correcting a negative, never easy to implement, way too easy to forget.

Good omens are readily available and open to interpretation. Very convenient.

The almost full moon setting over 
Fort Lee NJ in mid-December.
A sign that I will arise early on a regular basis?
A fairly regular basis?
I took this pic with my cell phone.

Minimal Christmas Decorating. 
Plus, we took the tree down on New Year's Day.
Not completely convinced these are real omens.
I like stuff way too much to be a minimalist.
An early tree take down? Probably a fluke.

I like green. I've already forgotten Pantone's 2016 COTY.
Oh yeah, Rose Quartz Serenity, Pastel Principesse.

Green is a good omen for me. Design-wise.

Big chunk of malachite I recently bought on EBTH
Will be a great accessory for a yellow and green 
room I am working on.
Fellow New Englander and hysterical blogger, 
Katie Clooney, 
introduced me to the online estate sale site EBTH
(warning, fun but highly addictive). 
Read Katie's blog, Preppy Empty Nester
she always makes me laugh.

I have no picture for the next good omen: I'm learning to think before I open my mouth.

While conversing with Mr. P this morning I was about to say, "she/he's a colossal idiot" but I didn't. A quick mental edit and I came up with "she/he's virtually illiterate". Didn't like that either. Another mental edit and I finally pronounced "she/he would benefit from more education."

I think Mr. P might have been concerned about the 10 minute lag in the conversation.

Or grateful for the silence.

Always more than one way to interpret an omen.

Wishing you the best for 2017!

Thanks for reading,
Linda Pakravan


  1. You and Katie are both a hoot! Happy New Year Linda.

    1. Happy New Year Mary Beth! Thanks for stopping by.


Please do. I love to know what you think!